Sunday 5 January 2014

Let it be

The return after a long absence and this is not gonna be a happy post.

"Is there need to tell me?" Vale asked.
"No. Nothing I guess?" Shina answered without a hint of hesitation.
They were together for over a year now, and yet..... Vale could only calm himself and said, "Okay, so be it."
He wasn't going to pursue the matter. If that's the way Shina wanted to do this, then he would let it be. He continued walking ahead as Shina slowly followed him from behind. This wasn't the first time, and probably wouldn't be the last.

It was always this way for as long as Vale could remember. He wasn't even sure whether she did this intentionally or whether she was just really clueless. He remembered their discussion months back. He recalled how they both said, "He's an asshole" and they both agreed. The one they were both referring to was Menx.

Menx was a friend of theirs back when they were still in training. The three of them would occasionally meet and talk. But everything changed when Vale and Shina pulled a prank. Menx just cut them off from then, on the basis that he just couldn't take it anymore.

But just a mere few days ago, Vale couldn't believe his eyes. Shina and Menx were both talking and hanging out at a cafe. It was a coincidence that he saw and decided not to intrude on them. He thought maybe the fact that they were talking again had slipped her mind and she forgot to tell him, but he felt betrayed. As far as he recalled they both shared the same hatred.

Menx was the one man he will not forgive, not till he personally apologized. This was one grudge he would hold. Because he had already taken the initiative to apologize. Twice. In which cicumstances had that he was never at fault. If even Shina was keeping this from him, even after he gave her the chance to explain, then he would remain this way. Since there was "nothing" wrong, then there was "nothing" for him to talk about.

I'll just cut it off there for now, maybe I'll continue the story again.


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